Now, the main questions arise on how to do that. How to Stop Procrastinating? Here we are listing some scientifically proven ways to overcome procrastination.
Break it down to smaller tasks: The primary reason we procrastinate a big job is when we picture it in all its enormity. Our motivation is inversely proportional to our GOALS. We tend to get intimidated by our own expectations. We don’t want you to discourage from dreaming Big, but we suggest breaking it down into smaller goals. You will feel more energized and motivated to achieve it when the goal looks realistic.
Start with the easier parts: Finishing the more comfortable and fun part first helps you build your confidence. When you start getting positive results, there will be an obvious boost to motivation.
Imagine your day gets over at 2 PM: Many of us start the day planning zillions of activities to be accomplished and then keep pushing them to the day’s end. When you start visualizing your day to end at 2 pm, you will begin working with more vigor to finish it in the stipulated time. Take a break at 2 pm then evaluate your work and assess how much have you accomplished. Even if you think it can be improved, you have plenty of time in your hand.
Create an Audience: It’s easier to blow it off when we commit to ourselves. However, if we involve a co-worker, a sibling or a friend to it, then the potential embarrassment or the motivation by them can help us not giving up easily. For example, if you want to lose weight, involve a gym member along with you. You are more likely to maintain the consistent effort as both of you will motivate each other when another one is lagging.
Lock away your distractions: We have way more distractions these days than when we were kids. Technology is our primary reason these days we fail to manage our time. If you are someone who gets pulled away by every ping sound of your phone, then it is advisable to turn off the Internet. You can even ask your roommate or parents to change the Wi-Fi password. You need to understand here, it’s not the people who are distracting you, it’s YOU. The same principle applies to keep your favorite sweet treat out of the house or delete the app which is eating up all your time.