Setting New Year Resolution is an easy and fun activity for most individuals. People love telling themselves that this is a New Year to begin a new life with better life choices. Most of these resolutions are related to health, money, and relationships. Most of the people who set the New Year Goals don’t realize that setting a Goal or Resolution is entirely different than achieving it. That’s why most of the resolutions don’t even make it till February.

Statistics: According to The Guardian magazine, a study conducted in 2017 exhibited some shocking results. 43% of people gave up their resolution in the very first week. Following them, 66% managed to survive a month. A whopping 80% called it quits after 3 months or less than that. And finally, only 14% of people were successful in keeping their new year resolution for at least 6 months. According to Forbes, the success rate is even lower. As per a report published only 8% of people achieve New Year’s Goal.

Keeping the statistics aside what we need to focus on here is what makes this 8% of the population so different from others.

  • What is that force inside them which keeps them going?
  • Why do some people fail in sticking to their resolutions?
  • Why do some people give up too early?
New Year Resolution 2019

Before we seek the answer to the first question, let’s find out

Why Do We Fail?

There are many reasons people find it tough to stick to their new year’s resolutions. We are going to discuss only three here. As per our experts, these are the major and one of the commonest reasons for people to quit.

1) Belief:

Lack of belief is one of the main culprits here. Most people have a very black and white attitude when it comes to themselves. A small setback makes them feel like a failure. However, they are quite critical about their achievements. According to Barbara Neitlich, Psychotherapist at Beverly Hills, people always forget to appreciate their achievements. One must congratulate themselves on their growth and look for the grey areas in between.
Self-confidence or self-belief plays a key role here. Most of the individuals make their new years resolution with great belief and commitment. However, as time passes, the excitement starts wearing off and old habits start taking over. Then the people start losing confidence and eventually give up.

2) Setting Extremely Low Goals:

Yes, you heard it right. Most of the psychotherapist claims that people give up their New Year Resolution way too early as they make unrealistic expectations from themselves. However, our experts beg to differ here. Your New Year Resolutions ideas must force you to come out of your comfort zone completely. It must be difficult enough so that you push your limits each day in order to achieve it. As it is not just about the end results. The most satisfying part of this entire exercise is how you transform yourself in the whole process.

“What you get by achieving your Goals is not as important as what you Become by Achieving your Goals”

Henry David Thoreau

The high aiming goals will keep the excitement alive and you will be motivated to go an extra mile in order to achieve them.

3) Circumstances:

Most of the people also claimed that they had to call it quits because of some unforeseen circumstances and situations. Let’s be true to ourselves here until and unless it is a life changing event, we can’t really blame it on circumstances. We need to be honest with ourselves here. Even before we decide to have a resolution and reading online about New Year Resolution Tips, we knew that situations are not always going to be ideal. We will have to find a way in between, create an alternate plan and act towards it.

Root Cause – Habits:

Be it lack of belief, blaming it on circumstances, or being unable to discipline ourselves, the root cause of all these is our habits. We are simply the slave of our habits. Over the year we have developed a set of habits that keeps pulling ourselves in opposite direction.

Habits are formed by following the same repetitive routine over a period of time and it is no doubt very difficult to change. It is difficult to break this pattern which is fixated in your mind and daily routine. Now a further set of questions arises.

  • How to change these habits?
  • Can we really change our habits?
  • How to develop positive habits that are required to achieve your goals?

Well, one can definitely change their habits. And we have so many successful examples around us, we just need to look. All you need to move is one step at a time. One small change in your daily routine habits will help you to overcome the resistance that comes with the change. It takes time to completely break an old habit, and it takes much longer to develop a new one. To stay motivated and to keep your mind on the right track is often trying.
You have two options here; either to learn the process on your own or you can learn it from industry experts that will not only help you with your New Year resolutions but transform your life completely. You can learn skills for changing your thoughts and eventually your habits will also evolve.